
Top 10 Tasty Fish

If I choose top 10 tasty fish from species I have caught in NE, I pick up following.

10. Cod
White and flaky flesh with faint sweetness. Relatively small 20’’ size tastes best. Fresh is much better than frozen.

9. Smelt
Sweet white meat with moderate fat. I like baked one.

8. Fluke
Plain white meat, good for sashimi.

7. Mackerel
Super fresh one tastes excellent.  Fall fish is the best with oil.  Excellent source of omega-3.

6. Winter Flounder
Soft flaky flesh with solid taste.  Good for everything.

5. Red fish
Flesh tastes excellent, faintly sweet.  Sashimi tastes good, too.  I would rank it in top 3 if it is not bonny.

4. Squid
Tastes excellent both fresh and frozen.  Good for pasta as well as simply boiled.

3. Scup
Very strong savory taste with rich fat.  Excellent fish-like fish especially when it is super fresh. Ice is necessary to keep them away from becoming fishy.

2. Blackseabass
Excellent white flesh with mild taste.  Excellent for both sashimi and cooked.  Frozen fish tastes excellent, too. I cannot find a weak point.

1. Tautog
It is hard to describe precisely. Simply I love it.  Moderately fatty, moist and flakey, perfect balance.  Excellent for both sashimi and cooked.

Although I wondered if I should include haddock and striper, I couldn’t drop cod and smelt.

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